Multi-model approach

ZeeQuest uses a multi-model approach to direct sales with the aim of leveraging all proven revenue streams to maximize cash flow stability, mitigate the various risks arising from changes in the market (such as the impact of social media, etc.) and maximize marketing results in key categories: Cost per Lead and Cost per Customer Acquired.

There are different status applications in the B2C and B2B approach:

Consists of a retailer commission (direct).

Consists of a Retail commission (direct) or P2P commissions (the co-operative member decides which to use), which consists of a two-tier referral commission (direct and indirect), three incentive/bonus pools and the option to receive 8% of the total commission in the form of ZQ Unit commissions (which may, if the conditions are met, can be adjusted later and converted into Security Tokens* as soon as the company applies for the issue).

Cutting-Edge, Easy-to-Use Platform for Business Professionals that is available to all members with a credible social media publicity and an existing corporate entity. Prior approval from the company is needed.

Partner businesses can capitalize on their synergies by offering complementary products or services, generating new revenue steams and by strengthening the relationship with an existing client base.

A Unique Business Ecosystem

Safe way to long-term and sustainable value creation

Proven products,
their development and marketing

Future-proof Compensation Plan

The most stable corporate business model

An opportunity to generate passive income

A Leading-edge Profit Sharing Cooperative (P2P)

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