The synergy of the right nutrients is of utmost importance

Developed for health fundamentals that anybody can use and benefit without exceptions.

Microbiome, pH regulation and metabolism with a single system.

Fueled by clinically proven nutrients and dosages for unprecedented absorption/bioavailability of active ingredients.

Combined with the new technologies in product processing, conservation and delivery platform.

How do ZQ Nutrition products work?

Nourish the roots
of your health

Fill each cell in the body
with more energy

Increase your mental clarity
and sharpness

Nutritional Value Booster

All products from ZQ Nutrition contain Aloxyl-7.4TM, which we have called an enhancer of the activation potential, as it significantly improves the absorption and bioavailability of other active ingredients in our formulas.

Phytocomplex Aloxyl-7.4TM is made from Norwegian kelp, a type of brown algae Ascophyllum Nodosum that accumulates bioavailable nutrients and minerals from seawater and such is a valuable source for call renewal, hormone balance and pH regulation in the body. Norwegian seaweed is the world’s largest iodine treasure, which is essential for more than 600 functions in our body and drives our metabolism.


Total Health Activator

Mineral detoxification, a strong alkalizer, and metabolic activator to increase cellular energy


THA is the foundational product of the ZQ Nutrition line. It contains the phytocomplex Aloxyl-7.4TM, which activates the bioavailability and absorption of other nutrients. It is also an effect enhancer, enabling the bioavailability and absorption of other nutrients. We call it the nutritional value booster.
Mental Power Recovery

Formula for harmonizing mind and body


MPR is designed to improve your mental and cognitive abilities. In this supplement, hormone detoxification and synergistic agents form a strong foundation for improving your focus and reducing stress.
Detox Complex

Herbal detoxification – detoxification complex


DTC is a special product of the ZQ Nutrition line for our cleansing organ – liver. The synergistic formula also contains ingredients with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects and to reduce the effectiveness of hazardous substances.

We Believe in Simple Solutions and Strong Foundations

At ZeeQuest we believe in simple solutions based on the complete fundamentals of science: Cellular osmosis (fluid exchange in the cells), the microbiome (the world of bacteria – up to 70% of our body consists of water, 57% of all human cell weights are bacteria), the pH tissues of the body and the state of our metabolism.

Our holistic approach covers two key aspects of human health: mental and physical health. These two sides of our health are interconnected, so we should not neglect both when looking for the right solution.
